Installing a cluster with Platform External

The steps to install an OpenShift cluster with a platform type external inherits from the guidance and infrastructure requirements of the "agnostic installation" method from the official documentation "Installing a cluster on any platform".

This method is a fully customized path, allowing the users to config a cluster using openshift-installer, creating the infrastructure using any automation they wanted to provision resources required to install an OpenShift cluster.

There are other methods and tools than using openshift-installer to deploy a provider-agnostic cluster, such as the Assisted Installer, which is not covered by this guide.

To begin an agnostic installation for the platform external, the install-config.yaml configuration file must be changed to set the platform type to External, then the providers' manifests must be placed into the install directory before creating the ignition files.

This guide is organized into three sections:

  • Section 1 - OpenShift configuration: the section describes how to set up OpenShift configuration files and specific customizations for platform type External.
  • Section 2 - Infrastructure provisioning: the section describes how to consume the configuration files, with an overview of the agnostic installation method used by deployments in non-integrated providers.
  • Section 3 - Setup Cloud Controller Manager (CCM): the section describes how to create the required cloud provider resources when opted into it in the bootstrap stage.

Table of Contents

The following sections describe the steps to install an OpenShift cluster using platform external type using fully customized automation.



  • The OpenShift client (oc) and Installer (openshift-install) must be downloaded, please read the steps described in Obtaining the installation program.

  • The Butane utility (butane) must be installed to manipulate Machine Configs. Please read the steps described in Installing Butane


  • The credentials to pull OpenShift images from the container registry, also known as "Pull Secret", needs to be obtained from the Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console.

Section 1. Setup OpenShift configuration

The OpenShift cluster configuration to set up the platform external is created in this section.

The steps below describe how to create the install-config.yaml with the required fields, and the steps used to customize the providers' manifests before generating the ignition configuration files.

Create the install-config.yaml

Follow the steps to Manually create the installation configuration file, customizing the platform object, setting the type to external, and the customized fields:

  • platform.external.platformName holds the arbitrary string representing the infrastructure provider name, expected to be set at the installation time. This field is solely for informational and reporting purposes and is not expected to be used for decision-making.
  • platform.external.cloudControllerManager when set to External, this property will enable an external cloud provider. Default: "" (empty/None).


The cluster cloud controller manager operator reads the state of the platform external deployment in the Infrastructure custom resource object when the value of .status.platformStatus.external.cloudControllerManager.state is set to External, the --cloud-provider flag will be set to External in the Kubelet and Kubernetes API Server, the nodes will also wait to be initialized by the cloud provider CCM.

Examples of install-config.yaml using platform external:

  • Default configuration without customizations:
    platformName: myCloud
  • Signalizing that an external CCM will be supplied:
    platformName: myCloud
    cloudControllerManager: External

Create manifests

Once the install-config.yaml is created, the manifests can be generated by running the command:

openshift-install create manifests

The install-config.yaml will be consumed, then the openshift/ and manifests/ directories will be created.

The following steps describe how to customize the OpenShift installation.

Create MachineConfig for Kubelet Provider ID (optional)

This step is required when you are planning to deploy a Cloud Controller Manager in Section 3, where the objective is to install an OpenShift cluster with a provider's Cloud Controller Manager, the Kubelet must be set in the configuration stage.

The kubelet service is started with the flags --cloud-provider=external and --provider-id=${KUBELET_PROVIDERID}, requiring a valid ${KUBELET_PROVIDERID}.

The value of ${KUBELET_PROVIDERID} should be unique by node, and the syntax and values depend on the CCM requirements, we recommend reading the cloud provider's CCM to check the appropriate value.

In OpenShift it is possible to set a dynamic value of ${KUBELET_PROVIDERID} can be set on each node using the MachineConfiguration.

The example below shows how to create a MachineConfig to retrieve the provider's ID from the Instance/VM Metadata service, setting it to the syntax required by CCM, for example: providerName://ID:

Reference for AWS in integrated platform

variant: openshift
version: 4.14.0
  name: 00-{{ machine_role }}-kubelet-providerid
  labels: {{ machine_role }}
  - mode: 0755
    path: "/usr/local/bin/kubelet-providerid"
      inline: |
        set -e -o pipefail
        if [ -e "${NODECONF}" ]; then
            echo "Not replacing existing ${NODECONF}"
            exit 0
        PROVIDERID=$(curl -sL;
        cat > "${NODECONF}" <<EOF
  - name: kubelet-providerid.service
    enabled: true
    contents: |
      Description=Fetch kubelet provider id from Metadata
      # Wait for NetworkManager to report it's online
      # Run before kubelet


  • {{ machine_role }} must be master and worker.

Both YAML manifest files must be saved, in this example, with respective names config-master.bu and config-worker.bu, followed by running the commands:

  • Generate the MachineConfig manifest for master nodes:

    butane config-master.bu \
      -o openshift/99_openshift-machineconfig_00-master-kubelet-providerid.yaml

  • Generate the MachineConfig manifest for worker nodes:

    butane config-worker.bu \
      -o openshift/99_openshift-machineconfig_00-worker-kubelet-providerid.yaml

Create ignition files

Once the custom manifest files are saved in the install directory, you can create the cluster ignition configuration files by running:

openshift-install create ignition-configs

The files with the extension .ign will be generated as the example below:

├── auth
│   ├── kubeadmin-password
│   └── kubeconfig
├── bootstrap.ign
├── master.ign
├── metadata.json
└── worker.ign

Section 2. Create Infrastructure resources

Several types of infrastructure need to be created including compute nodes, storage, and networks.

This section describes how to integrate those resources into the OpenShift installation process, and assumes that the entire process of creating the infrastructure will be automated by the partner to be consumed by the end-users.

In OpenShift, the openshift-install binary is responsible for provisioning the infrastructure in integrated providers using the IPI (Installer-Provisioned Infrastructure) method, it uses compiled-in SDKs to automate the cloud resources creation on supported IPI platforms and form them into a new cluster. In the external platform deployments, automation is not available.

The following examples show how to customize and automate the infrastructure creation without openshift-install automation (non-IPI), allowing highly-customized infrastructure deployments by the end-user:

The following sub-sections provide guidance referencing the OpenShift documentation for the infrastructure components required to deploy a cluster.


The agnostic installation used by the platform external does not require any identity, although the provider's components, such as CCM, may require identity to communicate with the cloud APIs.

You might need to create any Secrets, and/or ConfigMap manifest according to the cloud provider components' documentation, like Cloud Controller Manager.

OpenShift prioritizes, and recommends, the least privileges and password-less authentication method, or short-lived tokens, when providing credentials to components.


There is no specific configuration for the platform external when deploying network components.

See the Networking requirements for user-provisioned infrastructure for details of the deployment requirements for OpenShift.

In production environments, it is recommended to deploy OpenShift control plane nodes within the same geographical location (regions) distributed in more than one isolated location or data centers (also known as zones, when available), which some cloud providers refer to as zones and/or fault domains. The most important goal is to increase the availability and redundancy of the control plane and worker nodes using the provider offerings.


There is no specific configuration for DNS when using the platform external, the setup must follow the same as agnostic installation and the provider configuration.

Please take a look at the following guides for the DNS setup:

Load Balancers

OpenShift requires a couple of configurations when deploying the load balancer to serve the Kubernetes API, Ingress Routers, and other internal services. Please take a look at the documentation "Load balancing requirements for user-provisioned infrastructure" for more information.

You can use the cloud provider's load balancer when it meets the requirements.


  • the value DNS record api-int. must point to the internal load balancer IP or DNS address.
  • the internal IP or DNS address for the Load Balancer must not be dynamic.
  • the internal load balancer(s) must support hairpin connections in the control plane services (e.g.: Kubernetes API Server, Machine Config Server)

Create compute nodes

The step to provision the compute nodes is cloud-specific. The required steps to boot RHCOS is different for each compute role:

  • bootstrap node: must use the ignition file bootstrap.ign
  • control-plane nodes: must use the ignition file master.ign
  • compute nodes: must use the ignition file worker.ign

Furthermore, the Red Hat CoreOS (RHCOS) image must be uploaded to the related cloud provider service.


Upload the RHCOS image

The Red Hat Core OS image is built for providers into different architectures and formats. You must choose and download the image from the format that is supported by the provider.

You can obtain the URL for each platform, architecture, and format by running the following command:

openshift-install coreos print-stream-json

For example, to download an image format QCOW2 built for x86_64 architecture and the OpenStack platform, you can use the following command:

wget $(openshift-install coreos print-stream-json |\
  jq -r '.architectures["x86_64"].artifacts["openstack"].formats["qcow2.gz"].disk.location')

You must upload the downloaded image to your cloud provider image service and use it when creating virtual machines.

Bootstrap node

The bootstrap node is a temporary machine used only during the installation process. It is a temporary machine that runs a minimal Kubernetes configuration to deploy the OpenShift Container Platform control plane.

The bootstrap.ign must be used to create the bootstrap node. Most of the cloud providers have size limits in the user data, so you must store the bootstrap.ign externally, then retrieve it in the boot process. If the cloud provider offers a blob service allowing the creation of a signed HTTPS URL, it can be used to store and serve the ignition file for bootstrap.

The following example is an ignition file which can be used to fetch a remote ignition stored externally using a secure HTTP method, with authentication:

  "ignition": {
    "config": {
      "replace": {
        "source": "https://blob.url/bootstrap.ign?signingKeys"
    "version": "3.1.0"

Once the bootstrap node is created, you can attach it to the load balancers:

  • Kubernetes API (public and private)
  • Machine Config Server

Control Plane

Three control plane nodes must be created and distributed into different locations. The ignition file master.ign must be used in the user data for each node.


Compute nodes (two or more are recommended) must be created. The ignition file worker.ign must be used in the user data for each node.

Section 3. Deploy Cloud Controller Manager (CCM)

This section is mandatory when the setup requires the deployment of Cloud Controller Manager.

The steps describe how to customize the OpenShift cluster installed with platform type External by creating the manifests to deploy the provider Cloud Controller Manager.

At this stage, the temporary Kubernetes API Server must be available running in the bootstrap phase.

Wait until you can retrieve objects:

export KUBECONFIG=$INSTALL_DIR/auth/kubeconfig

oc get infrastructures -o yaml

Create custom manifests for CCM

If a Cloud Controller Manager (CCM) is available for the platform, it can be deployed by custom manifests added in the install directory.

This section describes the steps to customize the OpenShift installation by creating the required Cloud Controller Manager manifests.

The following items must be considered to create custom CCM manifests:

1) Create a directory ccm to store the custom manifest files;

2) Red Hat strongly recommends deploying the CCM's resources in a custom namespace, and properly defining the security constraints on that namespace. Create the manifest file ccm/00-namespace.yaml. For example:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
  name: {{ cloud provider name }}-cloud-controller-manager
  annotations: management
    "": "privileged"
    "": "privileged"
    "": "privileged"
    "": "false"
    "": "0"
    "": "v1.24"

3) Adjust the RBAC according to the CCM's needs:

  • Create the Service Account file ccm/01-serviceaccount.yaml:
apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
  name: cloud-controller-manager
  namespace: {{ cloud provider name }}-cloud-controller-manager
  • Create the Cluster Role manifest file ccm/02-rbac.yaml:
kind: ClusterRole
  name: system:cloud-controller-manager
  labels: "true"
  {{ define here the authorization rules required by your CCM }}
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
  name: {{ cloud provider name }}-cloud-controller-manager
  kind: ClusterRole
  name: system:cloud-controller-manager
- kind: ServiceAccount
  name: cloud-controller-manager
  namespace: {{ cloud provider name }}-cloud-controller-manager

4) The manifest file ccm/03-deployment.yaml with the following content can be used as an example of Deployment configuration:

# This a template that can be used as a base to deploy the provider's cluster
# controller manager in OpenShift, please pay attention to:
# - replace values between {{ and }} with your own ones
# - specify a command to start the CCM in your container
# - define and mount extra volumes if needed
# This example defines the CCM as a Deployment, but a DaemonSet is also possible as long as Pod's template is defined in the same way.
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: {{ cloud provider name }}-cloud-controller-manager # replace me
  namespace: {{ cloud provider name }}-cloud-controller-manager # replace me
    k8s-app: {{ cloud provider name }}-cloud-controller-manager # replace me {{ cloud provider name }} # replace me
  replicas: 2
      k8s-app: {{ cloud provider name }}-cloud-controller-manager # replace me {{ cloud provider name }} # replace me
    type: Recreate
      annotations: '{"effect": "PreferredDuringScheduling"}'
        k8s-app: {{ cloud provider name }}-cloud-controller-manager # replace me {{ cloud provider name }} # replace me
      hostNetwork: true
      serviceAccount: cloud-controller-manager
      priorityClassName: system-cluster-critical
      nodeSelector: ""
          - topologyKey: ""
                k8s-app: {{ cloud provider name }}-cloud-controller-manager # replace me
       {{ cloud provider name }} # replace me
        - key: CriticalAddonsOnly
          operator: Exists
        - key:
          operator: Exists
          effect: "NoSchedule"
        - key:
          operator: Exists
          effect: NoSchedule
        - key:
          operator: Exists
          effect: NoSchedule
        - name: cloud-controller-manager
          image: {{ cloud controller image URI }} # replace me
          imagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent"
          - /bin/bash
          - -c
          - |
            set -o allexport
            if [[ -f /etc/kubernetes/apiserver-url.env ]]; then
              source /etc/kubernetes/apiserver-url.env
            exec {{ cloud controller binary }} # replace me
          - containerPort: 10258
            name: https
            protocol: TCP
              cpu: 200m
              memory: 50Mi
            - mountPath: /etc/kubernetes
              name: host-etc-kube
              readOnly: true
            - name: trusted-ca
              mountPath: /etc/pki/ca-trust/extracted/pem
              readOnly: true
            # mount extra volumes if needed
        - name: host-etc-kube
            path: /etc/kubernetes
            type: Directory
        - name: trusted-ca
            name: ccm-trusted-ca
              - key: ca-bundle.crt
                path: tls-ca-bundle.pem
        # add extra volumes if needed


The following tolerations must be set to the CCM's pod spec to ensure the controller is deployed even if the node is not yet initialized.

        - key: CriticalAddonsOnly
          operator: Exists
        - key:
          operator: Exists
          effect: "NoSchedule"
        - key:
          operator: Exists
          effect: NoSchedule
        - key:
          operator: Exists
          effect: NoSchedule

Finally, deploy the resources required by CCM:

oc create -f ccm/*.yaml

Review the installation

This section describes useful commands to follow up on the installation progress.

After the OpenShift configuration, infrastructure and CCM is deployed (when required).

Export the KUBECONFIG environment, only if it was not yet exported in Section 3:

export KUBECONFIG=$INSTALL_DIR/auth/kubeconfig

Cloud Controller Manager

Steps to review the Cloud Controller Manager resources when it is deployed in the section 3, otherwise you can skip to the next section.

Check if the CCM pods have been started and the control plane nodes initialized:

oc logs -f deployment.apps/mycloud-cloud-controller-manager -n mycloud-cloud-controller-manager
  • Check if the CCM components (pods) are running:
oc get all -n mycloud-cloud-controller-manager
  • Check if the nodes have been initialized:
oc get nodes

Approve certificates for compute nodes

The Certificate Signing Requests (CSR) for each compute node must be approved by the user, and lately automated by the provider.

See the references on how to approve it:

Check the pending certificates using oc get csr -w, then approve those by running the command:

oc adm certificate approve $(oc get csr  -o json \
  | jq -r '.items[] | select(.status.certificate == null)')

Observe the nodes joining in the cluster by running: oc get nodes -w.

Wait for Bootstrap to complete

Once the control plane nodes join the cluster, you can destroy the bootstrap node. You can check it by running:

openshift-install --dir $INSTALL_DIR wait-for bootstrap-complete

Example output:

INFO It is now safe to remove the bootstrap resources
INFO Time elapsed: 1s

Check installation complete

It is also possible to wait for the installation to complete by using the openshift-install binary:

openshift-install --dir $INSTALL_DIR wait-for install-complete

Example output:

$ openshift-install --dir $INSTALL_DIR wait-for install-complete
INFO Waiting up to 40m0s (until 6:17PM -03) for the cluster at to initialize...
INFO Checking to see if there is a route at openshift-console/console...
INFO Install complete!
INFO To access the cluster as the system:admin user when using 'oc', run 'export KUBECONFIG=/path/to/kubeconfig'
INFO Access the OpenShift web-console here:
INFO Login to the console with user: "kubeadmin", and password: "[super secret]"
INFO Time elapsed: 2s

Alternatively, you can watch the cluster operators to follow the installation process:

# To follow the operator's progress:
oc get clusteroperators -w

# To get a full summary frequently
watch -n10 oc get clusteroperators

# To wait for the platform operators to become stable
oc adm wait-for-stable-cluster

The cluster will be ready to use once the operators are stabilized.

If you have issues, you can start exploring the Throubleshooting Installations page.

Next steps